Website Development Toolkit


If you are wondering where to start in designing  your website, this is the toolkit for you! Do NOT hire anyone to build your website for you without this toolkit in hand, it will have you thousands of dollars and prevent long delays.

The Website Development Toolkit walks you through all the steps of creating and launching a website. In it, I explain all the confusing terms and what kind of website structure you need, along with providing you a number of checklists and worksheets that will step-walk you through the whole thing!

I wrote this toolkit after years spent working with friends and clients, helping or advising them on website development. I saw that there were a few common hurdles that increased costs and added to delays, so I decided to create a guide for people who do not want to spend a lot of time getting their website up and running.

If you are ready to hire someone to build your website, BUY THIS FIRST! It can save you hundreds (even thousands!) of dollars, and also a lot of time. Avoid delays and headaches by simply filling out the checklists and worksheets in this toolkit and stop worrying about your website!


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