Rise to the Task (the PPM Method)


A fluid, flexible productivity method for solopreneurs, creatorpreneurs, and small business owners that can be used with any task management tools (analog or digital). Based on simple principles of Project Management, the PPM method organizes time management and task accomplish in a simple way for people to succeed at their personal and business goals.

Includes book Rise to the Task along with printable and fillable PDF worksheets in a zipped folder.

From the Introduction:

The Personal Projects Management™ (PPM) method is designed to be easy for one person to maintain for themselves, without spending several (or many) hours every week sorting out task lists, calendars, and priorities.

Solopreneurs, who usually have two or more businesses/brands running alongside each other, cannot afford the time and energy investment required by “deep dive” project management systems with 1,000 moving parts. Also, those are designed to work best for teams of ten to one-hundred people (such as MS Project, Asana, Monday), whereas the PPM method is not intended to be used by a team at all (although it might be adaptable for projects being run by groups of two or three people). And unlike note-taking apps, often referred to as “second brains” (Notion, OneNote, Evernote, etc.), the PPM method is not meant to be a holding tank for everything.

Instead of being “everything for everyone,” PPM was designed to be used in conjunction with other task and project management tools, including but not limited to digital calendars, bullet journals, note-taking apps, and even databases. It is meant to be used as a meta-tool, a method of organizing and prioritizing all your enterprises and their parts that you can then apply to the tools that work best for you. I created it by taking all the lessons I have learned over the years in project management, documentation writing, and time management, and distilled the most important parts.


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