Online Course Creation Toolkit


You have a FANTASTIC idea for an online course and you KNOW people want it, need it, are asking you for it…but you’ve never done anything like this before. All the popular online course platforms tell you how easy it is and how fast you can set up a course, but they don’t really walk you through the steps of what you need to know. My Online Course Creation Toolkit does just that! From script to going “live”, this guide walks you through the equipment you need and the the entire process, step by step. It includes checklists you can use to jumpstart course production and tracking templates so you can record what you’ve done!

When I first sat down to "build" my first online course, I innocently thought I'd just need a snappy slide deck, a webcam, and a webpage. I was so wrong, and quickly became so lost in the process. Video editing? Course design? Teaching platforms? What??!??! 

As I plowed through the process, I took notes, knowing that if I wanted to do more than one course I'd need to duplicate the process. Along the way I realized I had a set of checklists and a whole step-by-step guide to building an online course, and this toolkit was born!

If you have your course topic nailed down but are feeling overwhelmed and confused about your next steps, this guide will help you get up and running quickly and painlessly!


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