You can't go three feet into the "productivity sphere" online without someone croaking, "Eat the Frog!" It sounds weird if you've never heard of it before, but it is from the classic 2001 book by Brian Tracy, Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and...
The Archives
All the thoughts, organized and disorganized, from the "All The Tasks Fit to Print" NewsletterGet off the Assembly Line
There is a lot of talk right now about how artificial intelligence (A.I.) tools are affecting “worker productivity.” The hype is extreme, the opposition is hyperbolic, and the truth is somewhere in the middle. It’s true that many A.I. tools like ChatGPT and the new...
The Best (Im)Perfect Management System
I'm often called in as a last resort. I don't take it personally! In fact, I'm happy to be the last resort. It means that my client has tried everything else, and I admire that kind of tenacity. What I usually find, coming in "at last," is that they were trying...
Just Say No
I came of age in the 1980s ("during the 1900s" she writes with clenched teeth) when the anti-drug fervor was at it's peak. The ridiculousness of that whole campaign was that it is not actually bad advice, it was just hilariously out of step with culture as a whole...
Productivity Reimagined: Coaching for a Balanced, Fulfilled Life
How is productivity coaching different from general business coaching? In some ways they are similar. Both types of coaches work with you to improve your self-confidence, your business acumen, and help you reach for your goals. They can be both cheerleader and mentor,...
Holistic Productivity for a Better Life
Most traditional productivity advice is geared to making you a better worker. Whether you work for yourself as an entrepreneur or for someone else as an employee or as a student in school, the traditional productivity advice is about doing more, grinding harder, going...
Streamline Your Life in Just 1 Morning
Are you productive? Often when a client answers "no" to this question, I ask: did you pick up the kids from school? Did you get the shopping done? Did you finish that report your boss needed? Did you update your website? Or any number of tasks that they have done over...
The Death of Hustle
We are entering the age of the death of hustle — no, not the dance step! I mean "hustle culture," and by golly, good ridance! I don't think there have many business movements as destructive to mental health and well being as "hustle culture." I understand that in our...
When the Risk Overwhelms You
“Adulting” is usually a term used to describe anything we hate doing (taxes, the dishes). As adults, we know what we should do and what we must do. We agree that adulting is not fun 90% of the time, but we also agree that it is required. But a little underappreciated...
Monk Mode vs. Mom Mode? Try Mindful Mode!
A new productivity "hack" has been making the rounds on the tokkers and tubers lately: Monk Mode. When I first heard of it I hoped it would involve incorporating mindfulness into your daily schedule, maybe something about holisitic mental health and wellbeing. I was...